Bulk Keyword Research Tool

Get Search Volume and more SEO metrics for multiple keywords at once.

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Bulk Keyword Search Volume Checker

Start your keyword research for free with our new bulk keyword search volume checker. Find the exact search volume of hundreds of keywords in just a few seconds! Here's how it works:

  1. Enter your list of keywords.
  2. Select the country and language you want to target.
  3. Click "Submit" and let our tool do the rest.

After a few seconds, you'll receive the exact average monthly search volume for your keywords, along with additional SEO metrics that will help you do a thorough keyword research without spending anything!

About our Free Search Volume Tool

In the past, Google's Keyword Planner used to give you the exact monthly search volume of keywords for free. Nowadays, though, unless you are actively paying for Google Ads, you will no longer be able able to access this data! Google still gives you a range of values for the search volume, but these ranges are usually too broad, and therefore not very useful for keyword research.

There are plenty of SEO tools online that give you the exact search volume of keywords, but they are usually either paid or very limited in the amount of keywords you can search.

Luckily we have developed a tool to address exactly this issue! With Serp Miner's Bulk Search Volume Checker, you can look up 10 keywords a day without an account, or signup for free and search up to 300 keywords a day!


For each keyword you will get the following metrics:

  • - Average Monthly Search Volume
  • - A Trends graph showing how much the monthly search volume changed over the last 12 months
  • - Competition: how competitive Google Ad placements for a keyword are
  • - Cost-per-click: how much people pay for a single click on their Ad on Google
  • - Last Month's Search Volume

Use our advanced filters to quickly identify the keywords that meet your needs and easily export your data to Excel for further analysis.

Why Keyword Research Matters:

Keyword research is an essential part of any SEO campaign. It lays the foundation for all other SEO work. Before you start writing any content or doing any on-page or off-page SEO you need to figure out what specific terms and phrases your audience uses and how competitive and popular they are. Only then can you decide which ones you want to focus on when trying to get search traffic.

By not doing keyword research you risk targeting the wrong terms, wasting resources, and missing out on valuable traffic.

How to use Search Volume the right way

The search volume of a keyword is a very important metric when doing keyword research. After you have a list of keywords related to your niche, which you can find by using our Keyword Generator or any other SEO tool, you can start grouping and filtering them based on their Search Volume. Here are some ways you can do it:

  1. Find High-Volume Keywords
    High-volume keywords can be used to drive significant traffic to your site but are often very competitive. Unless you site is already established as an Authority in your niche or has a strong backlink profile, it is best not to focus yet on these possibly more competitive keywords. You can find how difficult a keyword is to rank by using Serp Miner's SERP / Keyword Difficulty Checker. Ideally, look for high-volume keywords with a low keyword difficulty score.
  2. Balance Volume and Competition
    Because high-volume keywords are often too competitive, it may be better to aim for a mix of high-volume, high-competition keywords as well as moderate-volume, low-competition keywords. Long-tail keywords are less competitive and more specific, attracting targeted traffic.
  3. Aim for the easiest keywords only
    If you're just starting out your website, it may be best to just focus on very low search volume and long-tail keywords. These don't usually have a lot of competition and may be useful in getting at least some search traffic. As time progresses and your site becomes more established, you can start aiming for harder keywords.
  4. Identify Content Gaps
    Occasionally, you will find keywords with high search volumes that competitors aren't covering well, or where the intent of the keyword isn't adequately met by any of the top search results. Even though these keywords might seem too competitive from a distance, you still have a fair chance of ranking for them if you create content to fill these intent gaps.